
AWS Notes. Chapter 3:
Data Engineering

Best practices in data management, analytics and machine learning on AWS
Participation is free
October 24, 2024
The conference was a success! Get the recordings below.
AWS Notes is a series of online conferences from AWS User Group Kyiv

What to expect:


tech Notes


Snap notes

gathering of friends
Each section of AWS Notes is unique notes from speakers of a chosen field. The best practices and cases that help develop Ukrainian and global IT are collected in notes
About Data Management and Architecture on AWS: From Redshift to Data Mesh
Speakers from the AWS team, certified specialists and experienced practicing engineers
Practical solutions, real cases and deep insights about working with AWS services
Each section of AWS Notes is unique notes from speakers of a chosen field. The best practices and cases that help develop Ukrainian and global IT are collected in notes
About Data Management and Architecture on AWS: From Redshift to Data Mesh
Speakers from the AWS team, certified specialists and experienced practicing engineers
Practical solutions, real cases and deep insights about working with AWS services


Alex DeBrie is an AWS Data Hero and software developer who loves all things databases. He is the author of The DynamoDB Book, a comprehensive guide to data modeling with DynamoDB. Alex enjoys sharing his knowledge through talks, articles, and workshops, helping teams improve their cloud infrastructure and database design.



DynamoDB Expert |

AWS Data Hero | Consultant

With over 20 years of expertise and certifications in DAMA CDMP and DCAM, Carlos Navarro serves as the Data & Analytics Director at N-iX. A highly skilled leader in the data field, Carlos is recognized for his ability to design, build, and optimize data practices, covering everything from strategy and management to advanced data visualization. His expertise lies in spearheading cloud-based data platforms and consulting practices, providing strategic guidance on data technologies, and driving success in global markets across Europe and North America.


Head of Data and

Analytics Practice


Passionate about cloud-native engineering, serverless fan, data contracts & data mesh expert.


Conference speaker, guitar player, skier.

Taras Slipets


Data Engineer


Passionate about driving innovation in the software engineering world, I’m dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in technology. Currently leading the charge at Honeycomb Software, I thrive on the dynamic intersection of cutting-edge technology and practical solutions.


I have 8+ years of experience within the tech space and now head up the Data & AI teams at Honeycomb. My areas of expertise include; Tech and Team RnD leadership, Data Engineering, Cloud Computing, ML & MLOps Engineering, Computer Vision, and Gen AI.

Maksym Voytko

Head of

Data and AI

Giorgio is an AWS Senior Database Specialist Solution Architect based in Milan. With a focus on Oracle and PostgreSQL database engines, I provide guidance and technical assistance to customers to help them design, deploy, and optimize relational database workloads on AWS.



Sr. Database Specialist SA EMEA

Tony has over 24 years’ experience in databases; primarily Oracle with a shift towards PostgreSQL over recent years, i’ve been working with AWS for around the past 7 years and really enjoy working on all things data.



Senior RDS Specialist

Solutions Architect

Expert in Data Architecture, Data Integration, and Data Modeling with more than 10 years of experience. He is a recognized AWS expert, which is confirmed by numerous certificates and positive feedback from customers. Always tries to effectively solve problems in the field of data, providing clients with optimal solutions.
Julia Sholohon


Big Data Architect

Dmytro began his career in IT back in 1996, founding his own Internet Service Provider company in Kryvyi Rih. His experience has always been at the intersection of business and technology, but Dmytro has always sought to delve into technical aspects. Since 2019, he has held the position of Chief Technology Officer at Opsworks Co. Despite his managerial role, Dmytro is happy to participate in interesting projects to keep his technical knowledge at the highest level.



Solutions Architect @ (Amsterdam, The Netherlands; from Kharkiv, Ukraine). Human-centric technical leader, manager, consultant and mentor with about 13 years of experience in different engineering roles.


Main focus: solution architecture, AWS, Kubernetes, SDLC, team leadership, mentoring, growing a team.


Full AWS Certified (13 active AWS certifications), holder of AWS Golden Jacket.

Rostyslav Myronenko

Solutions architect |

Full AWS Certified

I wrote my first line of code when I was 8 years old, I started working on a shell graphics implementation and was immediately hooked on what could be done using the power of programming. With this foundation, I had no choice but to become a programmer. Although I have worked as a Perl, PHP and C++ developer, the biggest part of my career has been working as a Java developer and software architect. At the moment, I work as a delivery director at the Levi9 company in Kyiv



Delivery Director,

Levi9 Ukraine




Bringing your data as a product framework to life with AWS DataZone

Duration: 40 min + Q&A

Language: English

Discover how to transform your data strategy by treating data as a high-value product. This session will guide you through overcoming common obstacles in Data as a Product (DaaP) implementation, bridging the gap between organizational design and technology, and leveraging AWS DataZone for optimal data governance. Learn about domain definition, business glossaries, and data product management, along with a proven step-by-step framework to ensure success. You’ll gain practical insights, strategic guidance, and real-world examples to apply in your own data journey.
Carlos Navarro

Head of Data and Analytics Practice


Kafka for 50+ teams: lessons learned from Data Mesh paradigm adoption

Duration: 40 min + Q&A

Language: Ukrainian
Lessons learned from design, building and maintenance of a decentralized data-streaming platform that empowers 50+ engineering and analytical teams with autonomy.
Taras Slipets

Staff Data Engineer



Disadvantages and tricky moments of AWS MWAA
Duration: 10 min
Language: Ukrainian
We walk through key tips and common pitfalls in setting up AWS Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA). We cover selecting the right environment configurations, including specifying the appropriate Airflow version, VPC setup, and security groups for network access. You’ll learn about using the correct execution role and permissions to ensure smooth integration with other AWS services. We also discuss common setup mistakes, and how to troubleshoot them for a successful MWAA setup.
Maksym Voytko

Head of Data and AI


Best practices for querying vector data for gen AI apps in PostgreSQL
Duration: 40 min + Q&A

Language: English

PostgreSQL makes it easier to store and query vector data for AI/ML use cases with the pgvector extension. Learning best practices for vector search will help you deliver a high-performance experience to your customers. In this session, learn how to store data from Amazon Bedrock in an Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition database and learn what SQL queries and tuning parameters optimize the performance of your application when working with AI/ML data, vector data types, exact and approximate nearest neighbor search algorithms, and vector-optimized indexing.

Giorgio Bonzi + 

Tony Mullen



Navigating Redshift: Solutions for Data Architecture Challenges

Duration: 40 min + Q&A
Language: Ukrainian
During the “Navigating Redshift: Solutions for Data Architecture Challenges” presentation, we will take a detailed look at the technical aspects of working with Redshift, including the practical challenges that may arise when developing a data architecture. Real cases where Redshift demonstrated unexpected results will be presented, and methods of solving them will be discussed. The main focus will be on optimizing performance, overcoming system limitations and solving specific nuances of Redshift. Attendees will gain valuable technical insights for data architecture professionals.
Julia Sholohon

Associate Big Data Architect


Learn on the other’s mistakes. Think twice when planing your data architecture
Duration: 10 min

Language: Ukrainian

I was involved in work on several projects where the architectural solutions laid down at the development stage had a significant impact on the further possibility of scaling, effective support and maintenance of the infrastructure within the limits of an adequate budget. Yes, all these decisions were made a long time ago, and it is not a fact that it could have been done better at that time. Therefore, let’s analyze each of the problems separately and consider how we could act differently. It just so happened that both projects are IoT related in nature, which means that from the beginning we had to plan to store a lot of data for further analysis. Although the companies belong to the same field, the data storage architecture was built in different ways.
Dmytro Sirant



Data asset discovery for AWS multi-account environments

Duration: 40 min + Q&A

Language: Ukrainian

In today’s Cloud-driven world, managing data for a complex organisation with hundreds of AWS accounts and thousands of Data assets is a very important and complex process. My session unveils the centralised Data asset discovery mechanism for AWS workloads which serve millions of users per day and its critical importance for Data security, compliance and governance of the company data.
Rostyslav Myronenko

Solutions architect | Full AWS Certified


Navigating the Database Maze: From SQLite to NoSQL

Duration: 40 min + Q&A

Language: English

We’re seeing an explosion in database options and preferences right now. On one hand, the cloud has enabled a wide range of distributed database configurations, from distributed SQL databases like Cockroach, Amazon Aurora, and Yugabyte, to NoSQL options like DynamoDB and Fauna. On the other hand, we’re also seeing renewed excitement in SQLite, which is as far from distributed as you can get. In this talk, we’ll do a survey of our database options — what separates them and what are the key tradeoffs? You’ll walk away with an understanding of the database landscape and which ones are right for your application.

Alex DeBrie

DynamoDB Expert | AWS Data Hero | Consultant



The company unites more than 2,200 specialists and provides software development services and expertise in the field of cloud solutions, data engineering, embedded systems, machine learning, the Internet of Things and other innovative technologies.
N-iX is a certified AWS Advanced Consulting Partner, unites more than 110+ certified and accredited AWS experts and works with 100+ projects based on AWS.
Ukrainian multi-product IT company that creates profitable businesses in the niches of Parental Control, Wellness, AI, and also develops its own R&D center. The company’s portfolio includes cross-platform applications and services used by millions of people around the world. And Brainstack unites 370 ambitious specialists who are eager to scale and want to achieve big results.

Brainstack has everything so that specialists do not feel the syndrome of lost opportunities: mentoring, internal switching, development to top management, pitching of ideas, prospects of starting their own project or leading a business direction. By the way, 82% of Brainstack managers grew up within the company.

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AWS User Group Kyiv is a technical community of cloud programmers and AWS fans who share cloud programming experience, analyze cases and help solve professional challenges.


AWS User Group Kyiv organizes events with industry leaders to help develop the Ukrainian and global IT industry.




international speakers


community members

Олексій Коломійцев

Олексій Коломійцев — фахівець у сфері хмарних технологій, Business Development Executive Cloud Services. Він має досвід роботи з платформами Azure та AWS, спеціалізується на розробці мультиклаудних стратегій для оптимізації ІТ-ресурсів і бізнес-процесів.

Олексій успішно реалізував проєкти з міграції даних, впровадження хмарних рішень і оптимізації ІТ-інфраструктури для великих компаній. Його знання хмарних технологій і здатність знаходити інноваційні рішення допомагають клієнтам підвищувати ефективність і зберігати конкурентоспроможність.

Він бере участь у професійних конференціях і вебінарах, де ділиться досвідом із колегами та партнерами. Експертиза у сфері мультиклаудних рішень робить Олексія цінним консультантом для компаній, які прагнуть впроваджувати передові технології й забезпечувати стабільність ІТ-систем.

Станіслав Колєнкін

Станіслав – експерт із понад 16-річним досвідом у сфері IT, спеціалізується на DevOps-проєктах із використанням Kubernetes, OpenStack, AWS (15xAWS certified!), GCP та Bare-Metal. Він є визнаним DevOps-практиком та лідером думок у спільноті. Станіслав має численні сертифікати, зокрема SEI Software Architecture, Kubernetes, AWS, GCP. Його ключові навички включають архітектурний дизайн, вирішення критичних проблем і роботу з нестандартними завданнями у виробничих середовищах.

Максим Хомуцький

Макс працює в AWS вже понад 5 років і є досвідченим IT-професіоналом із багатим досвідом у FSI, HCLS, Telco and M&E. Його пристрасть — впровадження змін та інновацій, які допомагають організаціям досягати конкурентних переваг через створення нових продуктів і послуг.


Раніше обіймав посаду віцепрезидента з інформаційних технологій у глобальній компанії з управління інвестиціями в нерухомість. Як старший технологічний консультант, Макс також допомагав керівництву у реалізації проєктів із розвитку нерухомості.


Макс має ступінь магістра з математики, фізики та комп’ютерних наук. Він є володарем статусу Golden Jacket, що підтверджує його наявність усіх 15 активних сертифікацій AWS.

Ігор Іванюк

Ігор – експерт у галузі хмарних технологій, який допомагає компаніям реалізовувати свої ідеї та розвивати бізнес за допомогою інноваційних рішень. Його основні сфери спеціалізації охоплюють DevOps, контейнеризацію, серверлесс-технології та блокчейн.


До приєднання до AWS Ігор накопичив значний досвід, використовуючи AWS як клієнт. Він створював складні рішення для компаній у фінансових технологіях, електронній комерції, банківській справі та блокчейні, сприяючи впровадженню хмарних технологій. У ролі Solution Architect він успішно керував переходом від застарілого моноліту електронної комерції до мікросервісної архітектури в хмарі AWS.


Останні кілька років Ігор зосереджений на хмарних трансформаціях для фінтех-компаній, допомагаючи їм оптимізувати операції та впроваджувати інновації. Як керівник команди Solution Architects у фінансовому секторі (FSI), Ігор активно розвиває ініціативи у сфері Data та AI, зокрема сценарії використання генеративного ШІ (GenAI).


Його місія – допомагати клієнтам розвивати бізнес, використовуючи повний потенціал хмарних технологій.

Kjell Langeland

К’єлл є Глобальним директором із розвитку бізнесу AWS у компанії Crayon та керує глобальною стратегією виходу на ринок для рішень AWS. Після повернення до Crayon у 2017 році він займав ключові посади, зокрема Глобального директора з продажів IBM/Red Hat/Oracle, зосереджуючись на допомозі клієнтам у використанні технологій та оптимізації відносин із постачальниками. Експертиза Лангеланда охоплює хмарні обчислення, управління продажами та ринкові стратегії.

Олексій Лепешенков

AWS Solution Architect Professional, практикуючий спеціаліст з питань оцінки міграції в хмару і підбору відповідних інструментів зі стеку технологій AWS

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