AWS User Group

AWS User Group

AWS Notes. Chapter 1. IoT

Get a chance to learn more about IoT through innovative IoT projects from our speakers

December 12, 2023

AWS Notes is a series of virtual conferences from AWS User Group Ukraine.

Reasons to attend




speakers’ notes


snap talks


Aws fans

Each chapter of the AWS Cloud consists of special talks of our speaker, Notes, which give you an opportunity to dive into the world of AWS projects, learn about best practices and successful cases that help develop Ukrainian and global IT

At AWS Notes. Chapter 1, speakers will reveal how IoT is disrupting various industries and talk about the challenges and difficulties developers face when creating IoT projects

During short 10-minute Snap talks speakers will introduce their innovative IoT pet projects

The conference brings together the AWS team and AWS fans from different companies that work on AWS in one place


As the CTO of Yalantis, Denis has always been passionate about exploring new technologies, especially in the field of ML/AI. He has 8 years of experience building prediction models using cutting-edge techniques such as neural networks, genetic algorithms, and classification/clusterisation algorithms, even before the term “deep learning” became mainstream and before the famous TensorFlow appeared on the scene. Denis believes that ML/AI will continue to transform the way we do business, and he’s excited to be at the forefront of this revolution.

Denis Doronin


With over a decade in the IT field, Konstantinos has evolved from a software engineer to a Solutions Architect at AWS, specializing in IoT and cloud technologies. His career has been marked by a passion for exploring new technologies and a commitment to excellence. In his current role, he leverages his deep technical expertise and analytical skills to architect innovative solutions in the cloud space. As a GenAI Ambassador, he is at the forefront of integrating AI with cloud architecture, enhancing capabilities in delivering advanced and efficient solutions. His journey is driven by a constant desire to learn, innovate, and lead projects that make a tangible impact.

Konstantinos Kourmousis

Solution Architect

Initiating his journey into the cloud landscape 7 years ago, Oleksiy swiftly emerged at the forefront of innovation, championing a retail project deeply rooted in serverless technologies. With over a decade of hands-on software engineering experience, Oleksiy recently joined AWS, where he has dedicated himself to empowering Ukrainian businesses through expert guidance during their cloud transition journeys.

Oleksiy Ivanchenko

Solution Architect

He is a software engineer with three years of professional experience. Ivan’s passion for technology ignited in high school, which led him to study many areas of IT independently. I specialize in server and cloud solutions and have a comprehensive knowledge base that spans embedded systems, machine learning, games, command line interfaces, desktop applications, and front-end development. Holds BS CS and AWS Solutions Architect certification.

Ivan Kovalenko

Software Engineer

IoT and Embedded Architect with more than 15 years of commercial experience. Main expertise is in wireless connectivity – mesh networks, cellular, low power. Currently working on several projects – one of which is EV charger

Mykhaylo Kohut

Embedded IoT Solutions Architect

Techie from Ukraine, is coding to make a difference. Creator of eSvitlo, an AWS-powered system to track electricity in Ukraine, he’s also a Mathem maestro specializing in food delivery tech. With a Master’s in CS and triathlon trophies on the shelf, he’s chasing the 4-hour workday dream and financial freedom. Follow him for tech, sports, and a side of resilience.

Vitalii Pavliuk

Senior Software Engineer

Sixing is a German bioinformatician and a Neo4j Ninja. Now he is working as a research scientist for Gemini Data Japan. Meanwhile, he research satellite imagery and IoT in his spare time.

Sixing Huang

Bioinformatician and Evangelist

Dmytro has been working in IT his entire life. He wrote his first line of code at the age of 8 and hasn’t been able to stop ever since. Throughout his career, he has gained experience in various positions and roles, including Software Developer, Team Leader, Department Manager, Architect, Scrum Master, and even Product Owner. Dmytro is passionate about cloud technologies, software architecture, Open Source development, IoT, and programming in various languages, including esoteric ones. He is a specialist with extensive experience who advocates for the ‘leading by example’ approach.

Dmytro Panin

Delivery Director


Time zone: GMT +2


Migrating 1 Million Devices to AWS IoT

Language: ukrainian

During a rapid-fire talk, Ivan will reveal insider tips on a year-long journey of Global Logic, sharing the juiciest design hacks and problem-solving wizardry from the team of IoT pioneers. Buckle up for a rollercoaster of insights – Ivan will guide you to mastering AWS IoT!

Ivan Kovalenko

Software Engineer


Modular IoT data processing platform or “here we go again..”

Language: ukrainian

New and existing businesses face similar challenges in the IoT domain that require significant spent on resources and time leading to loss of competitive advantage over rivals. How to save up to 30-45% on architecture design and baseline architecture implementation costs? How does architecture support modularity and flexibility in a way it saves time and do not transform into useless generic code that is hard to modify and extend? Join our topic and figure out!

Denis Doronin



eSvitlo: Using AWS to Light Up Lives During Blackouts in War-torn Ukraine

Language: ukrainian

In a world where electricity is often taken for granted, war-torn Ukraine faces a different reality. This talk will delve into eSvitlo, a lifesaving system developed to help Ukrainians track electricity availability during blackouts caused by russian bombings. Leveraging AWS Lambdas, DynamoDB, and SNS, and connecting to local devices like Wi-Fi routers and Raspberry Pis, eSvitlo feeds real-time updates to residents via Telegram and Viber. Discover how AWS technologies were harnessed to create a beacon of hope and practicality in dark times.

Vitalii Pavliuk

Senior Software Engineer


Connected Mobility with AWS

Language: ukrainian

This presentation is gonna dive into how AWS IoT decisions are shaking up “connected mobility,” showing how these tech moves are cranking up transportation efficiency and safety. We’ll check out real-life examples that paint a picture of how seamlessly the Internet of Things links up with car systems, cooking up smarter, more adaptable city transport grids.

Oleksiy Ivanchenko

Solution Architect


A Homemade Plant Growth Monitoring IoT System

Language: english

During his Snap Talk, Sixing will describe a DIY IoT project. Sixing set up a Raspberry Pi camera system that monitors the growth of his plants. The system measures the green areas of the leaves and uploads the information to DynamoDB via AWS IoT. The system is low-cost, consistent, and non-invasive. It is a prototype that can be scaled up for larger agricultural projects.

Sixing Huang

Bioinformatician and Evangelist


Building OCPP-compliant EV charging solution on AWS

Language: ukrainian

During this session, Mykhaylo will tell you more about the N-iX internal project EVCharger, which includes the newest features like OCPP 2.0.1 with cybersecurity support as well as ISO15118 support. The OCPP server will be running on AWS.

Mykhaylo Kohut

Embedded IoT Solutions Architect


AWS IoT in the Driver’s Seat: Transforming Automotive Data Gathering and Analysis

Language: english

In this session we will delve into the revolutionary role of AWS IoT in the automotive industry. This session focuses on how AWS IoT enhances real-time data monitoring and vehicle performance optimization. Central to our discussion, AWS Fleetwise showcases the effective application of these technologies, although it won’t be the sole highlight. Join us to uncover how AWS IoT is crucial in advancing automotive data intelligence, leading to more connected and efficient vehicle systems and fleet management solutions.

Konstantinos Kourmousis

Solution Architect

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The conference brings together the AWS team and AWS fans from different companies that work on AWS in one place.
The conference brings together the AWS team and AWS fans from different companies that work on AWS in one place


Since 2008, the IT company Yalantis has been cultivating long-term partnerships, crafting comprehensive technological solutions in the realms of IoT, AI, ML, healthcare, and FinTech for client companies in the USA, Asia, and Europe.

As of today, the Yalantis team comprises nearly 500 specialists and maintains offices in Dnipro, Kyiv, Lviv, Larnaca in Cyprus, and Warsaw in Poland.

Yalantis employs the AWS cloud platform on over 100 projects as the primary cloud for various environments:

  • Infrastructure setup
  • Cost optimization
  • Monitoring and backup assurance, CI/CD
  • Documentation preparation
  • Collaboration between developers and testers

DevOps specialists possess AWS certifications. The company covers certification expenses and provides mentorship support: each specialist is assigned a mentor who monitors their development and assists in their preparation.




AWS User Group Ukraine is a tech community of cloud-programmers and AWS fans who collaborate on code and accelerate each other’s professional growth.


AWS User Group Ukraine shares the experience peer-to-peer while also hosting the events with industry leaders to help develop Ukrainian and global IT.


events so far


worldwide speakers


people in community



AWS User Group Ukraine is a tech community of cloud-programmers and AWS fans who collaborate on code and accelerate each other’s professional growth.


AWS User Group Ukraine shares the experience peer-to-peer while also hosting the events with industry leaders to help develop Ukrainian and global IT.


events so far


worldwide speakers


people in community

Олексій Коломійцев

Олексій Коломійцев — фахівець у сфері хмарних технологій, Business Development Executive Cloud Services. Він має досвід роботи з платформами Azure та AWS, спеціалізується на розробці мультиклаудних стратегій для оптимізації ІТ-ресурсів і бізнес-процесів.

Олексій успішно реалізував проєкти з міграції даних, впровадження хмарних рішень і оптимізації ІТ-інфраструктури для великих компаній. Його знання хмарних технологій і здатність знаходити інноваційні рішення допомагають клієнтам підвищувати ефективність і зберігати конкурентоспроможність.

Він бере участь у професійних конференціях і вебінарах, де ділиться досвідом із колегами та партнерами. Експертиза у сфері мультиклаудних рішень робить Олексія цінним консультантом для компаній, які прагнуть впроваджувати передові технології й забезпечувати стабільність ІТ-систем.

Станіслав Колєнкін

Станіслав – експерт із понад 16-річним досвідом у сфері IT, спеціалізується на DevOps-проєктах із використанням Kubernetes, OpenStack, AWS (15xAWS certified!), GCP та Bare-Metal. Він є визнаним DevOps-практиком та лідером думок у спільноті. Станіслав має численні сертифікати, зокрема SEI Software Architecture, Kubernetes, AWS, GCP. Його ключові навички включають архітектурний дизайн, вирішення критичних проблем і роботу з нестандартними завданнями у виробничих середовищах.

Максим Хомуцький

Макс працює в AWS вже понад 5 років і є досвідченим IT-професіоналом із багатим досвідом у FSI, HCLS, Telco and M&E. Його пристрасть — впровадження змін та інновацій, які допомагають організаціям досягати конкурентних переваг через створення нових продуктів і послуг.


Раніше обіймав посаду віцепрезидента з інформаційних технологій у глобальній компанії з управління інвестиціями в нерухомість. Як старший технологічний консультант, Макс також допомагав керівництву у реалізації проєктів із розвитку нерухомості.


Макс має ступінь магістра з математики, фізики та комп’ютерних наук. Він є володарем статусу Golden Jacket, що підтверджує його наявність усіх 15 активних сертифікацій AWS.

Ігор Іванюк

Ігор – експерт у галузі хмарних технологій, який допомагає компаніям реалізовувати свої ідеї та розвивати бізнес за допомогою інноваційних рішень. Його основні сфери спеціалізації охоплюють DevOps, контейнеризацію, серверлесс-технології та блокчейн.


До приєднання до AWS Ігор накопичив значний досвід, використовуючи AWS як клієнт. Він створював складні рішення для компаній у фінансових технологіях, електронній комерції, банківській справі та блокчейні, сприяючи впровадженню хмарних технологій. У ролі Solution Architect він успішно керував переходом від застарілого моноліту електронної комерції до мікросервісної архітектури в хмарі AWS.


Останні кілька років Ігор зосереджений на хмарних трансформаціях для фінтех-компаній, допомагаючи їм оптимізувати операції та впроваджувати інновації. Як керівник команди Solution Architects у фінансовому секторі (FSI), Ігор активно розвиває ініціативи у сфері Data та AI, зокрема сценарії використання генеративного ШІ (GenAI).


Його місія – допомагати клієнтам розвивати бізнес, використовуючи повний потенціал хмарних технологій.

Kjell Langeland

К’єлл є Глобальним директором із розвитку бізнесу AWS у компанії Crayon та керує глобальною стратегією виходу на ринок для рішень AWS. Після повернення до Crayon у 2017 році він займав ключові посади, зокрема Глобального директора з продажів IBM/Red Hat/Oracle, зосереджуючись на допомозі клієнтам у використанні технологій та оптимізації відносин із постачальниками. Експертиза Лангеланда охоплює хмарні обчислення, управління продажами та ринкові стратегії.

Олексій Лепешенков

AWS Solution Architect Professional, практикуючий спеціаліст з питань оцінки міграції в хмару і підбору відповідних інструментів зі стеку технологій AWS

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